2024 Festival Volunteer Application EOI for volunteers for the 2024 festival Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)Which of the following volunteering position(s) are you interested in? Tick all that you are interested in.(Required) Welcoming and directing visitors Selling workshop tickets Attending the information desk Ushering Attending the volunteer room Selling merchandise Transportation of performers Managing a workshop room Please let us know when you are available to volunteer. Tick as many as you want:(Required) Daytime, Saturday 19th October Evening, Saturday 19th October Daytime, Sunday 20th October How much time can you volunteer with us?(Required) 2 hr shift 4 hr shift (or 2x2hr shifts) An many hours as you give me An hour here or there before the day Longer before the festival Other I have the following skills/talent/experience that I think would be useful:I am interested in being an MC or stage manager:(Required) Yes No I have the following experience as an MC, stage manager or host of an event:Finally, Do you have any questions for us?